Produx | Coimbatore based EMART EVENTURES is re-launching its multi-category multi-brand Ecommerce website Produx.in with new vigour. The decade and a half old EMART EVENTURES has kickstarted Produx re-launch with multi-faceted Digital Marketing Strategy to breakthrough marketing clutter and gear up its branding and subscription drives. EMART EVENTURES which is the promoting company of multiple websites such as www.emarteventures.com (the Company’s Flagship website), www.infogyde.com (Coimbatore Search Engine), www.indiagyde.com (Pan-India Business Directory) and www.worldgyde.com (Global Directory), www.CouponBowl.in – Offers & Deals Directory and www.KrossPro.in (Business Network Builder Website) is using all its online properties to back the marketing efforts of Produx.in, its own Ecommerce venture. The joint strategy means a Brand/Seller who lists in Produx gets optional listing and branding opportunity across multiple online platforms viz InfoGyde, IndiaGyde, WorldGyde, Coupon
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