If there is something you have to know about the difference between Social Marketing and Social Media Marketing, the answer lies in KrossPro. Emart Eventures' KrossPro is a tool or platform that helps businesses and entrepreneurs achieve their business goals and objectives through Business Networking and thereby getting Leads and References within a niche category. KrossPro puts its Subscribed Members under a unique Sub-category within a Broad Category-specific Group. For example, if a Group's Broad Category is Home Decor, the Group may have Members from its various Sub-categories such as Home Furniture, Window Dressing, Wallpapers, etc. KrossPro offers the Members a means to communicate with their Group Members individually and in Group's private page and allows them to share their Leads and References with each other within their own Niche yet Broad Category, say Home Decor. Apart from sharing Leads and References, they can also share industry relevant ideas, strategy, ...

EMART EVENTURES, based at Coimbatore, INDIA is offering a host of Marketing Services & Solutions such as Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Lead Generation, Contract Marketing, Virtual Gifting Solutions, SEO & Blog Writing, Market Strategy Consulting, etc. Our online properties include www.infogyde.com - Coimbatore Search Engine, www.indiagyde.com - Pan-India Business Directory, www.couponbowl.in - Coupons & Discounts Directory, www.produx.in - E-commerce Website